
Welcome Everybody!

We are introducing the Competitions system in Slayers of Moloch.

Competitions are the equivalent of tournaments or closed participation challenges where the enlisted players compete against each other to win a prize. There are different kinds of competitions, each with its own rules and rewards.

Types of Competitions


Tournaments are ELO ranked competitions where players compete against each other to win a prize. Each combat will match two players with similar ELO scores, at the end of the competition the top players will be selected to win the prize.

Battle Royale

Battle Royale competitions are a free-for-all competition where players compete against each other to win a prize. Each combat will match two players at random, and only one will survive, at the end of the competition the top players will be selected to win the prize.

King of the Tower

In King of the Tower there's only one player that is sitting at the top. You can challenge that player to take his place, if you do so, you will become the new King of the Tower. The King of the Tower will receive a reward at the end of the competition.

Entry fees and rewards

Competitions can define any ERC20 as an entry fee, and the creator can choose to keep all the fees or distribute them to the participants. The creator can also specify new rewards for the participants, such as NFTs or any ERC20 token.

Competitions can also have participants that can be invited for free by the creator of the competition.

Competition duration

Competitions can have any duration that is less than one year.

Competition rules

Competitions can have different rule regarding deck building, such as:

  • Limited to certain collections
  • Restrict or allow items
  • Minimum and maximum amount of cards

Other features

Competitions can also define:

  • The amount of ruby charged for each combat
  • The maximum amount of combats per day per player
  • A bonus that is applied to all the decks when playing in the competition
  • A maximum of participants

Custom rewards

Competitions can define custom rewards that are given to the participants at the end of the competition. These rewards can be NFTs or any ERC20 token.

Additionally, CastleDAO can provide additional in-game rewards as an entry reward or as a reward for the top players.

Creating your competition

For now only CastleDAO can create competitions, if you want to create a competition, please contact us on Discord.

If you have want to know more about us, please, refer to our Discord.